Thursday, July 14, 2016

Anti-malware solutions for Windows

I recently spoke to a friend that was infected with a new piece of Malware which prevents installing tools such as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, so I thought that I would help him investigate other tools that help remove Malware.

Of course, there is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (which was not working for him in this case):

But there are other tools such as Lavasoft Ad-Aware:

Another tool which I have used often in the past is Spybot:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware also has a tool called "Chameleon" which fools malware into thinking it is another tool instead:

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Host4ASP.NET is a scam!

Last year I decided to find a new hosting provider and came across this hosting provider for ASP.NET:

Everything seemed to be going well until all of my users were complaining about site accessibility.

I had set up the site initially more than 30 days earlier and when I inquired about getting a refund for my service, because my 30-day trial period was over, they would not issue either a partial or a full refund for my hosting services.

So, since the service was unreliable, I ended up switching to another hosting provider for hosting my production site and instead used Host4ASP.NET as a test hosting site.

Unfortunately, this was even problematic as I was not able to log into the Control Panel any longer and I could never get a hold of the customer service team either through e-mail or through the provided chat on their website.

Needless to say, I lost my money on hosting with this ASP.NET Hosting Provider, so for all other customers out there--BUYER BEWARE!!!